Carolyn & Ken :::: Old Orange County Courthouse, Santa Ana, CA

I loved them from the first moment I saw their smiles. Carolyn and Ken met online (similar to some other couples I know, including us!) and they had a sweet, gentle tenderness between them. They proclaimed themselves to be goofballs and since they were going with a casual wedding at the courthouse, why not go casual all the way with jeans and "Bride" and "Groom" shirts? I said yes, please! I love when a couple can be themselves and not try to fit themselves into some kind of cookie cutter wedding box. That would be boring. And Carolyn and Ken are definitely not boring. They even joked that the Royal Wedding was stealing their thunder! Their reason for getting married this day: the one year anniversary of their first date. Yes. :) Their rings were on back order, so for the "exchange of rings" they used what they called the "K-mart specials" a very fake looking purple cubic zirconia ring for her and a large women's eternity band...